Easy Slide Shows With reST & S5


David Goodger & Chris Liechti


How to create quick, good-looking presentation slide shows with Docutils/reStructuredText and S5.

This document serves both as a user manual and as a usage example of the s5_html.py writer and the rst2s5 front end.

To view this document as a slide show see https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/user/slide-shows.s5.html or your local copy.

The first slide of a presentation consists of all visible text up to the first section title. The document title is also added to the footer of all slides.

The "footer" directive is used to specify part of the slide footer text. It is currently limited to one short line (one paragraph).

There is no support for the "header" directive in the themes included with Docutils.


rst2s5 is a Docutils front end that outputs HTML for use with S5, a "Simple Standards-based Slide Show System" by Eric Meyer.

Features (1)

The S5/HTML Writer supports all the standard Docutils HTML features. S5 has been released to the Public Domain.

S5-specific features:

Features (2): Handouts

The contents of any element with a "class" attribute value of "handout" are hidden in the slide presentation, and are only visible when the presentation is printed, or viewed in outline mode. "Handout"-class elements can appear anywhere in the text, as often as needed.

This means that the slides and extra handout material can be combined in one document. The handout can be printed directly from the browser, and it will contain more than just silly framed slides. This can be used to provide more detailed information, or for speaker's notes.

The following directives support "class" options:

  • all admonition directives ("admonition", "note", "hint", etc.)

  • "image" & "figure"

  • "topic"

  • "sidebar"

  • "line-block"

  • "parsed-literal"

  • "rubric"

  • "compound"

  • "table", "csv-table", & "list-table"

  • "target-notes" (more about that below)

  • "role" (pre-defined; more below)

Handout contents are also visible on the screen if the S5 view mode is toggled from "slide show" to "outline" mode.


  1. Some Docutils features are not supported by some themes.

    For example, header rendering is not supported by the themes supplied with Docutils.

    The "header" directive is used to set header text. S5 automatically inserts section/slide titles into the "header" area of a slide. If both Docutils headers and S5 headers (slide titles) exist simultaneously, they interfere with each other.

  2. Care must be taken with the "contents" directive.

    The --no-toc-backlinks option is the default for the S5/HTML writer (toc_backlinks=False setting). Other values for this setting will change the CSS class of headings such that they won't show up correctly in the slide show.

    Use the :class: handout option on the "contents" directive to limit the table of contents to the handout/outline mode only:

    .. contents::
       :class: handout

3. Subsections ...

... may be used, sparingly.

Only first-level sections become slides. Not many levels of subsections can fit on a slide.

Subsections (of any level) work normally in handouts though. Add ".. class:: handout" before a subsection (or sub-subsection, or ...), and the entire subsection will only appear in the handout.

Generating a Slide Show (1)

  1. Open a console (terminal, command shell) and go to the folder containing your file, slides.rst.

  2. Run the command:

    rst2s5 slides.rst --output=slides.html
  3. Optionally, specify an S5 theme with the --theme option.

    Docutils will copy the S5 theme files into a ui/<theme> folder beside the output HTML file. [1] A slide show can also link to an existing theme using the --theme-url option.

Generating a Slide Show (2)

  1. Include a copy of any linked stylesheet.

    The default Docutils stylesheet, html4css1.css, will normally be embedded in the output HTML. If you choose to link to a stylesheet instead of embedding, you must include a copy (suggested location: in the ui/ directory).

  2. Open slides.html in a web browser.

  3. Expand the browser window to full-screen mode, and speak.

    The Web Developer extension for Firefox is very useful. With it, you can resize your browser window to the exact dimensions of the projector you'll be using, so you can test beforehand. There are many other useful features as well.

  4. Profit!

Examples (1)



A or B













Examples (2): Incremental Text

Paragraphs can be displayed one at a time...

... or a bunch at a time.

This second paragraph is displayed together with the previous one by grouping them with the "container" directive.

We can also display one word at a time, or a phrase at a time, or even one letter at a time!

(But the markup ain't pretty.)

Examples (3): Incr. Graphics

Let's play... Rock, Scissors, Paper



Example Themes

The default theme, "default", is a simplified version of S5's default theme. It accommodates up to 13 lines of text.



Example Themes: Small Text

The "small-white" and "small-black" themes are simplifications of the default theme (small black text on a white background, and small black text on a white background, respectively). They each accommodate up to 15 lines of text.





Example Themes: Large Text

The "big-white" and "big-black" themes feature very large, bold text, with no footers. Only five short lines fit in a slide.





Example Themes: Medium Text

The "medium-white" and "medium-black" themes feature medium-sized text. Up to 8 lines of text are accommodated.





S5 Theme Files

An S5 theme consists of a directory containing several files -- stylesheets, JavaScript, and graphics:


The generated HTML contains the entire slide show text. It also contains links to the following files:

  • slides.css simply contains import links to:

    • s5-core.css: Default styles critical to the proper functioning of the slide show; don't touch this!

    • framing.css: Sets the basic layout of slide components (header, footer, controls, etc. This file is the often edited.

    • pretty.css: Presentation styles that give the slide show a unique look and feel. This is the file that you're most likely to edit for a custom theme. You can make a whole new theme just by editing this file, and not touching the others.

  • outline.css: Styles for outline mode.

  • print.css: Styles for printing; hides most layout elements, and may display others.

  • opera.css: Styles necessary for the proper functioning of S5 in Opera Show.

  • slides.js: the JavaScript that drives the dynamic side of the slide show (actions and navigation controls). It automatically IDs the slides when the document loads, builds the navigation menu, handles the hiding and showing of slides, and so on. The code also manages the fallback to Opera Show if you're using the Opera web browser.

Making a Custom Theme

  1. Run "rst2s5 --theme <base-theme> <doc>.rst <doc>.html".

    This initializes the ui directory with the base theme files.

  2. Copy ui/<base-theme> to ui/<new-theme>.

  3. Edit the styles (save in UTF-8 encoding).

    Start with pretty.css; edit framing.css if you need to make layout changes.

  4. Run "rst2s5 --theme-url ui/<new-theme> <doc>.rst <doc>.html".

    We use the --theme-url option to refer to the new theme. Open your <doc>.html in a browser to test the new theme.

  5. Rinse & repeat.

    Repeat from step 3 until you're satisfied.


Classes: Incremental (1)

Several "class" attribute values have built-in support in the themes supplied with Docutils.

As described earlier,

Classes: Incremental (2)

The "incremental" interpreted text role is also supported:

:incremental:`This will appear first,` `and
this will appear second.`:incremental:

Requires ".. include:: <s5defs.txt>".

As you can see, this markup is not very convenient.

But s5defs.txt includes this useful definition:
".. default-role:: incremental". So:
`This` `is` `all` `we` `need`

This is all we need to mark up incremental text.

Classes: Incremental (3)

.. container:: animation

   .. image:: images/empty.png
      :class: hidden slide-display

   .. class:: incremental hidden slide-display

      .. image:: images/1.png
      .. image:: images/2.png

   .. image:: images/3.png
      :class: incremental

This is how the example works.

The animation effects are caused by placing successive images at the same location, laying each image over the last. For best results, all images should be the same size, and the positions of image elements should be consistent. Use image transparency (alpha channels) to get overlay effects.

Absolute positioning is used, which means that the images take up no space in the flow. If you want text to follow the images, you have to specify the total size of the container via a style. Otherwise, the images and any following text will overlap.

These class values do the work:


This wraps the container with styles that position the images absolutely, overlaying them over each other. Only useful on a container.


Unless overridden (by "slide-display", for example), these elements will not be displayed. Only the last image will be displayed in handout mode, when print, or when processed to ordinary HTML, because it does not carry a "hidden" class.


In conjunction with "hidden", these elements will only appear on the slide, preventing clutter in the handout.


The second and subsequent images will appear one at a time. The first image will already be present when the slide is displayed, because it does not carry an "incremental" class.

Classes: Text Size

Requires ".. include:: <s5defs.txt>".

Classes: Alignment

Left (class name: "left")

Center ("center" & "centre")

Right ("right")

These classes apply to block-level elements only. They cannot be used for inline text (i.e., they're not interpreted text roles).


.. class:: center

Text to be centered.

Classes: Text Colours

black [black], gray, silver, white [white], maroon, red, magenta, fuchsia, pink, orange, yellow, lime, green, olive, teal, cyan, aqua, blue, navy, purple

The class names and role names are the same as the colour names. For example, ":orange:`text`" produces "text".

Requires ".. include:: <s5defs.txt>".

Classes: Borderless Tables

Here's an ordinary, unstyled table:





And after applying ".. class:: borderless":







Classes: Print-Only

Elements with class="print" attributes display their contents when printed, overriding class="hidden".

Example: the "target-notes" directive:

.. topic:: Links
   :class: hidden print

   .. target-notes::
      :class: hidden print

One good example, used in this document, is the "target-notes" directive. For each external target (hyperlink) in the text, this directive generates a footnote containing the visible URL as content. Footnote references are placed after each hyperlink reference.

The "topic" directive is given a "class" attribute with values "hidden" and "print", so the entire topic will only be displayed when printed. The "target-notes" directive also assigns a "class" attributes with values "hidden" and "print" to each of the footnote references it inserts throughout the text; they will only show up when printed.

Other uses may require ".. include:: <s5defs.txt>".

Useful Extensions For Firefox

To Do

These will require some serious JavaScript-fu!

That's All, Folks!

Further information: https://docutils.sourceforge.io

Docutils users' mailing list: docutils-users@lists.sourceforge.net

Any questions?