2003-02-27 Bill Bumgarner * DocArticle/DocArticle/__init__.py: Added sidebar and title_reference support. 2003-01-07 Bill Bumgarner * DocArticle/DocArticle/__init__.py: Improved formatting of admonitions. Sort of. Would like to make them better. Maybe add little icons, if icons are enabled (need to fix settings). * DocArticle/DocArticle/__init__.py: Improved formatting of abstract/dedication block. Now in 'box' w/abstract/dedication centered at top. Should all be in italics, but that'll hose the body formatting of the contained text. 2003-01-05 Bill Bumgarner * DocArticle/DocArticle/__init__.py: Can now successfully [I think] process test.txt. Output is not exactly pretty yet. 2002-12-28 Bill Bumgarner * Added support for subtitle, note, and block_quote. Cleaned up a compile of CSS leftovers. * DocArticle/DocArticle/__init__.py: Added support for arbitrary fields and moved docinfo presentation to being table based (so that multiline field values actually work). Lots of cleanup-- reordered a bunch of methods that had gotten out of order. Added limited support for Admonitions-- not at all useful yet. (HTMLDocArticleTranslator.visit_enumerated_list): Added support for enumerated lists and modified the paragraph tag rules for all lists. (HTMLDocArticleTranslator.visit_enumerated_list): Added support for non-css based typed enumerated lists. 2002-12-27 Bill Bumgarner * DocArticle/DocArticle/__init__.py: Added support for subtitle and block_quote nodes. * Added initial working implementation of DocArticle HTML writer. * 00README.txt: Added basic information. (HTMLDocArticleTranslator.__init__): Moved to a more traditional initialization of instance variables.