.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ===================================================== Some test input for automatic object extraction ===================================================== :Id: 69f40ba7-4068-46ef-ac07-7f381aba4f2b :Tags: Reading :Date: $Date: 2005/08/16 02:10:50 $ Definitions in the Database =========================== [book] :title: pdf2table: A Method to Extract Table Information from PDF Files :authors: Burcu Yildiz, Katharina Kaiser, and Silvia Miksch :institution: Institute of Software Technology & Interactive Systems, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria :url: ? :comments: A paper that describes heuristics to implement the automatic extraction of tables from PDF files. The input consists in a list of (text, x, y, width, height, font) entries for all the parcels of text that are present in a PDF file. This input is generated by an existing Java tool. I read this paper in order to implement it as an exercise for programming in Haskell. [book] :title: Options, Futures and Other Derivatives :edition: 6th :author: John C. Hull :hardcover: 816 pages :publisher: Prentice Hall; 6 edition (June 10, 2005) :isbn-13: 978-0131499089 :comments: This is considered the basic reference textbook in finance. I found it to be very clearly written and to obtain a wide breadth of material. [book] :title: Probability Theory :subtitle: The Logic of Science :authors: E.T. Jaynes, G. Larry Bretthorst :isbn: 978-0521592710 :comments: Ref.ed by traders at GS/Japan. Ref. awesome book on statistic, with an admitted bent on the “statistics should be Bayesian” idea. Other definitions, which should not be part of the database. ============================================================ :gambit 1. An opening in chess in which a minor piece, or pieces, usually a pawn, is offered in exchange for a favorable position. 2. A maneuver, stratagem, or ploy, especially one used at an initial stage. 3. A remark intended to open a conversation. :specious 1. Having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious: a specious argument. 2. Deceptively attractive. Some other type of object ========================= [addr] :n: La Croix Bleue (Assurances) - Blue Cross (Insurance) :e: info@qc.croixbleue.ca :p: +1.514.286.8403 Information Et Ventes Directes, Assurance individuelle santé et voyage :p: +1.514.286.8411, +1.800.361.6068 (urgence, et ventes quand fermé, a frais virés, pas de problème) :f: +1.514.286.8358 :p: (other) +1.514.286.7682, +1.877.286.7682, +1.800.361.5706 :x: print [addr] :n: Australian Taxation Office :p: General - 13 2861 :p: GST enquiries - 13 6140 :p: Australian Business Number enquiries - 13 2478 :w: http://www.ato.gov.au/ :w: http://www.taxinstitute.com.au/