``_ is a makefile that handles most things one would want to do with docutils. For minimal applications it can be used directly; typically you would include it in your makefiles, e.g.:: DOCS = foo.txt bar.txt include Makefile.docutils For quick jobs ``make DOCS=foo.txt\ bar.txt`` or just ``make`` (taking all ``*.txt`` files) will also work. This makefile is very flexible and can be configured by setting many variables. It also supports pre/postprocessing, currently with `sandbox/cben/rolehack <../rolehack>`_ scripts and rudimentary output-format-dependant adaptation of ``.*`` names with sed scripts. The makefile is heavily commented and the comments themeselves are in reST (sort of literate programming). A script (``_) is provided that can convert the whole file to legal reST - run ``make`` in this directory to build the docs (``make ps pdf`` would give you more formats). Enjoy and tell me (cben@users.sf.net) if you miss any functionality or flexibility...