Mathhack Instructions ===================== Formula syntax is everything LaTeX supports in math mode. This is supported for the LaTeX writer and for anything else by converting with LaTeX (and some external_ commands) to *images*. There are now other solutions (see the FAQ entry__) that employ dialects of LaTeX for translation to MathML so you should consider limiting yourself to the intersection of the syntaxes if you want to allow all possible convertions. __ FAQ.html#how-can-i-include-mathematical-equations-in-documents Just write:: text... :texmath:`formula` ...text or simply:: text... `formula` ...text for inline formulas; for display formulas use a directive:: .. texmath:: formula Inline formulas can also be written with substitution references:: text... |name| ...text .. |name| texmath:: formula Now you take this (in file foo.txt) and run:: foo.txt | - foo.tex which converts the roles/directives to ``raw:: latex`` directives or:: foo.txt | - foo.html which runs TeX (generating images into a subdirectory!) and converts the roles/directives into ``img::`` directives. Quick, dirty and convenient ;-). To allow including preprocessed files, do:: included.txt > included.txt.mathhack included.txt > included.txt.imgmathhack and include ``included.txt.mathhack`` ( will mangle this to include ``included.txt.imgmathhack`` automatically). My makefile_ can do all this for you (just set ENABLE_MATHHACK=1). .. _makefile: ../make/Makefile.docutils .. _external: Note that the ``_ script relies on some external commands (see the comments at its top). `tex_to_images` seems to be separately availiable from the `speech_tools CVS`__ __*checkout*/emu/speech_tools/scripts/tex_to_images.prl?rev=HEAD Also note that the scripts use regexps to "parse" the roles/directives, so expect some bugs (e.g. don't try to split a formula into multiple lines inside a table cell...).