#! /usr/bin/env python """ This is a tool for exploring module documentation trees generated by ``docutils.readers.python.moduleparser.parse_module()`` from test data in docutils/test/test_readers/test_python/test_parser or stdin. Usage:: showdoc showdoc < Where ```` is the key to the ``totest`` dictionary, and ```` is the index of the list ``totest[key]``. If no arguments are given, stdin is used for input. """ import sys from docutils.readers.python.moduleparser import parse_module import test_parser if len(sys.argv) > 1: key, caseno = sys.argv[1:] print 'totest["%s"][%s][0]:\n' % (key, caseno) input_text = test_parser.totest[key][int(caseno)][0] input_source = "test_parser.totest['%s'][%s][0]" % (key, caseno) else: input_text = sys.stdin.read() input_source = '' print input_text module = parse_module(input_text, input_source) print module,