Paragraphs ---------- A paragraph. Inline Markup ````````````` Paragraphs contain text and may contain inline markup: *emphasis*, **strong emphasis**, ``inline literals``, standalone hyperlinks (, external hyperlinks (Python_), internal cross-references (example_), external hyperlinks with embedded URIs (`Python web site `__), footnote references (manually numbered [1]_, anonymous auto-numbered [#]_, labeled auto-numbered [#label]_, or symbolic [*]_), citation references ([CIT2002]_), substitution references (|example|), and _`inline hyperlink targets` (see Targets_ below for a reference back to here). Character-level inline markup is also possible (although exceedingly ugly!) in *re*\ ``Structured``\ *Text*. Problems are indicated by |problematic| text (generated by processing errors; this one is intentional). The default role for interpreted text is `Title Reference`. Here are some explicit interpreted text roles: a PEP reference (:PEP:`287`); an RFC reference (:RFC:`2822`); a :sub:`subscript`; a :sup:`superscript`; and explicit roles for :emphasis:`standard` :strong:`inline` :literal:`markup`. .. DO NOT RE-WRAP THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH! Let's test wrapping and whitespace significance in inline literals: ``This is an example of --inline-literal --text, --including some-- strangely--hyphenated-words. Adjust-the-width-of-your-browser-window to see how the text is wrapped. -- ---- -------- Now note the spacing between the words of this sentence (words should be grouped in pairs).`` If the ``--pep-references`` option was supplied, there should be a live link to PEP 258 here.