Literal Blocks -------------- Literal blocks are indented, and indicated with a double-colon ("::") at the end of the preceding paragraph (right here ``-->``):: if literal_block: text = 'is left as-is' spaces_and_linebreaks = 'are preserved' markup_processing = None Or some code formatting :: typedef mpl::push_back< // >----------------+ // | mpl::push_back< // >--------------+ | // | | mpl::push_back< // >------------+ | | mpl::vector<> // | | | , int // | | | >::type // first step <-+ | | , long // | | >::type // second step <--+ | , double // | >::type // third step <-----+ vec; The central makefile construct is called a *rule*, and is described with the following syntax: .. parsed-literal:: *dependent-target* : *prerequisites* *commands* parsed literal with markup spanning lines. should produce valid LaTeX code, but the indentation is ragged. .. parsed-literal:: Hey! *this is some emphasized text that spans two lines* and this is **some more bold text spanning two lines** a literal block with underscores and markup, the markup ``*`` ruins alignement .. parsed-literal:: mpl::push_back< // >----------------+ // | mpl::push_back< // >--------------+ | // <- *end* ------+-+ inline ``literal`` with double hyphen ``two hyphens: --`` and tripplets ``three hyphens: ---``. Special characters ------------------ lele needed a patch to process the italian ZopeBook, because of the tilde ~ and the backquote chars. 1. scaricarlo anche usando un browser web:: lele:~/zope $ wget --00:49:51-- => `Zope-2.7.0-linux-x86.tgz' this works as long as the document is not italian. bracketts at line start and empty lines .. parsed-literal:: with [ _Container=std::map, _InIt=std::list::iterator ] *messages continue...* in spanish ``~n`` is special, this requires special treatment for literal blocks :: esto no anda