() () NNaammee - from quickref.html EExxpplliicciitt MMaarrkkuupp FFoooottnnootteess Footnote references, like [5]. Note that footnotes may get rearranged, e.g., to the bottom of the "page". [5] A numerical footnote. Note there's no colon after the ]]. ---- Autonumbered footnotes are possible, like using [1] and [2]. [1] This is the first one. [2] This is the second one. They may be assigned 'autonumber labels' - for instance, [4] and [3]. [3] a.k.a. third [4] a.k.a. fourth ---- Auto-symbol footnotes are also possible, like this: [*] and [†]. [*] This is the first one. [†] This is the second one. CCiittaattiioonnss Citation references, like [CIT2002]. Note that citations may get rearranged, e.g., to the bottom of the "page". [CIT2002] A citation (as often used in journals). Citation labels contain alphanumerics, underlines, hyphens and fullstops. Case is not significant. Given a citation like [this], one can also refer to it like this . [this] here. EExxtteerrnnaall HHyyppeerrlliinnkk TTaarrggeettss External hyperlinks, like Python . embedded External hyperlinks, like Python . IInntteerrnnaall HHyyppeerrlliinnkk TTaarrggeettss Internal cross-references, like example . This is an example cross-reference target. IInnddiirreecctt HHyyppeerrlliinnkk TTaarrggeettss Python is my favourite programming language . TTiittlleess aarree ttaarrggeettss,, ttoooo Implicit references, like Titles are targets, too . aanndd See the Python home page for info. Write to me with your questions. UURRIIss wwiitthh kknnoowwnn sscchheemmeess tel:+48-816-555-1212 urn:isbn:0-486-27557-4 news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix https://john.doe@www.example.com:123/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest#top SSttaannddaalloonnee eemmaaiill aaddddrreesssseess like someone@somewhere.com ()