Doctils DocBook Writer ChangeLog ================================ 2004-03-22 ---------- * general tidying & bugfixes 2003-07-21 ---------- * ``title`` element placed before ``{doctype}info`` element. 2003-07-19 ---------- * Added support for ``address``, ``admonition``, ``attribution``, ``dedication`` (topic class), ``subscript``, ``superscript``, and ``rubric`` [#]_ elments. * Changed ``title_reference`` mapping from ``emphasis`` to ``citetitle``. * Character in attribute names & values >= 128, are encoded as numeric entities (that might not be the correct name). Here's what I mean:: chr(128) -> € I added this becuase converting "tools\test.txt" failed on input line 303. The attribute value for the label was ``u'\u2020'``. * Removed insertion of `` : `` from ``visit_classifier``. There was discussion on one of the docutils lists that the writers should not be inserting anything. * If the parent element of an image is a paragraph, it maps to ``inlinemediaobject``, otherwise as ``mediaobject``. * Using DocBook 4.2 instead of DocBook 4. .. [#] `rubric` is mapped to `bridgehead`, which seemed to be the best match. However, I've never heard of either of these, so it's just a best guess. .. :lineSeparator=\n:maxLineLen=72:mode=rest:noTabs=false:tabSize=4:wrap=hard: