================================= Docutils DocBook Writer Questions ================================= Open Issues =========== * Docutils ``transition`` elements don't seem to have any equivlent in DocBook. How should these be handled? * Currently, Docutil ``topic`` elements with no classes are treated get mapped to ``section`` elements. Should this be handled differently? * How should Docutils System Messages be handled? Could generate an appendix or section at the end of the document which contained all system messages handled as ``note`` elements. * How should ``problematic`` elements be handled? One idea is to generate a ``remark`` element with a reference to an error message somewhere else in the document. * Bibliographic/DocInfo elements are the biggest pain the arse! In order to get a release out, why not just try to display them, instead of mapping them to DocBook elements? A mixed approach could be to write a separate visitor for DocInfo elements which could collect the data, then the primary writer could use ``author``, ``copyright``, etc... for inclusion in the info section of the generated document, and the rest could be displayed. * DocBook XSL Stylesheets don't seem to respect the ``label`` attribute for footnotes. Is this a bug with the stylesheets or is it not used? Current feelings: that's a DocBook XSL Stylesheet problem. However, I should look into it. * Can author element be inserted regardless of whether there is text? .. :lineSeparator=\n:maxLineLen=72:mode=rest:noTabs=false:tabSize=4:wrap=hard: