On 9/7/2010 7:28 PM, Ryan Krauss wrote: > I claim that our version > (PyPI) works and it still actively maintained (but I can prove neither > of those claims except that I am using rst2beamer for my lecture > presentations with docutils 0.6 I think). I have the latest from PyPI and current docutils. Here is a test document: https://subversion.american.edu/aisaac/misc/slides_test01.rst Below is the broken handling of the title, subtitle, author, and date. Cheers, Alan Isaac PS Would you and Paul-Michael please consider maintaining this in the sandbox? With so few contributors, surely SVN should not be a burden? If it had been in the sandbox, I would have 1) found it more easily, and 2) just fixed this problem... Basic use: \title{% \phantomsection% \label{test-1-for-slides-writers}} \author{} \date{} \maketitle Test 1 for Slides WritersSubtitle\textbf{Author}: & Au Thor \\ \textbf{Date}: & January 1, 2525 \\ \item[{institution:}] Cu U With --use-latex-docinfo: \title{% \phantomsection% \label{test-1-for-slides-writers}} \author{Au Thor} \date{January 1, 2525} \maketitle Test 1 for Slides WritersSubtitle\item[{institution:}] Cu U Feature requests for Ryan and Paul-Michael: 0. Fix docinfo handling (see above) 1. rst2latex provides translation of unicode characters; can you make direct use of this? It is very convenient. 2. add a math directive. Ideal would be to use Jen's work in rst2latexmath, but just wrapping the content in an equation environment would do for now. 3. handle literal text like rst2latex does. The currently handling is a problem (e.g., leading spaces disappear) 4. don't add the ``fragile`` option to every frame. Ideally you would test problematic content, but until then handle this by having the author tag the content as fragile with a ``class`` directive. 5. don't make lists incremental by default; in many presentation setting such incrementalism is imo needless controlling (and thus "evil"). Rely on users to set an ``incremental`` class when this is really needed.