#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id: rst2chunkedhtml.py 5519 2008-02-25 13:21:51Z amohari $ """ :Author: Andras Mohari :Date: $Date: 2008-02-25 14:21:51 +0100 (Mo, 25. Feb 2008) $ :Status: *Experimental* :Revision: $Revision: 5519 $ :Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain. An HTML chunker for reStructuredText. Using as a Module ================= The main class is ``ChunkedHTMLWriter``, everything else is internal to this module, and should not be used from the outside. This class can be used almost the same way as any other DocUtils writer; you can instantiate it and pass it to the ``docutils.core.publish_*`` functions, for example: publish_cmdline(writer=ChunkedHTMLWriter(), ...) The writer is a bit special, it is a kind of meta-writer, i.e. it does not do much reST to HTML conversion on its own. Instead, it instantiates a different writer (``html4css1.Writer`` by default) to convert chunks of the document tree to HTML format. This also means that you do not have to sub-class ``ChunkedHTMLWriter`` if you want to customize HTML output. See the next section. Using Your Own HTML Writer -------------------------- If you want to use your own HTML writer to convert reST documents to chunked HTML, you should not sub-class ``ChunkedHTMLWriter``. Instead, pass your writer class (not the instance!) as the first argument to the ``ChunkedHTMLWriter`` constructor. Please note that your writer must have a ``set_external_ids()`` method defined as :: def set_external_ids(self, external_ids) The `external_ids` argument is a mapping of node IDs to URIs (the URIs are properly quoted). Whenever your writer needs to convert a node ID to an ``href`` HTML attribute, it has to check if the ID is mapped to an URI. If it is, the writer must use the URI, otherwise it must use the ID:: try: href = external_ids[id] except KeyError: href = '#' + id Customizing the Navigation Bars ------------------------------- You can create a custom navigation header and footer for your HTML documents by passing a callback function as the second argument to the ``ChunkedHTMLWriter`` constructor. Whenever a chunk is being processed, this function is called with a dictionary as its sole argument. The dictionary, which contains data for the next, previous, parent and root chunks, has the following keys: ``next``, ``prev``, ``parent``, ``root`` These are links to the next, previous, parent, and the root chunks, respectively. They are properly quoted ("foo bar.html" will be "foo%20bar.html"). If the next, previous or parent link does not exist for a chunk, the corresponding value is an empty string. ``next_title``, ``prev_title``, ``parent_title``, ``root_title`` The title of the next, previous, parent, and root chunk, respectively. Note that these are encoded values, so you can safely use them in the output (even as element attribute values---but place them inside double quotes, not single ones). In case you need raw, un-encoded titles, you can access them as ``next_title_raw``, ``prev_title_raw``, and so on. The callback must return a tuple or list of Unicode strings: the header and the footer. Any of the two can be an empty string. """ __docformat__ = 'reStructuredText' import os import re import sys from types import * import docutils from docutils import io, frontend, languages, nodes, utils, writers from docutils.core import publish_cmdline, default_description from docutils.writers import html4css1 try: _filesystemencoding = (sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()) except AttributeError: # sys.getfilesystemencoding() is new in Python 2.3. # Use sys.getdefaultencoding() instead... _filesystemencoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() try: True except NameError: True = 1 False = 0 if sys.version_info[:3] < (2, 4, 0): class set: # Minimal set type for older Python versions. def __init__(self, iterable): self._map = dict([(n, 1) for n in iterable]) def add(self, item): self._map[item] = 1 def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._map _quote_re = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z0-9/_.-]') def quote_filename(filename): """quote_filename('foo bar.html') -> 'foo%20bar.html'. If `filename` is a unicode string, it will be converted to filesystem encoding first. """ def substitute(m): return '%%%02x' % ord(m.group(0)) if type(filename) is unicode: try: filename = filename.encode(_filesystemencoding) except UnicodeEncodeError, err: raise ValueError('Cannot convert Unicode filename %r to "%s" ' 'encoding. (%s)' % (filename, _filesystemencoding, err)) return _quote_re.sub(substitute, filename) def default_navigation_callback(vars): """Create and return the default navigation header and footer.""" prev = root = next = up = ' ' prev_title = root_title = next_title = ' ' if vars['prev']: prev = (u'« Previous' % vars) prev_title = u'%(prev_title)s' % vars if vars['next']: next = (u'Next »' % vars) next_title = u'%(next_title)s' % vars if vars['root']: root = (u'Start' % vars) root_title = u'%(root_title)s' % vars if vars['parent']: up = (u'Up' % vars) v = {'next': next, 'prev': prev, 'root': root, 'up': up, 'next_title': next_title, 'prev_title': prev_title, 'root_title': root_title, } header = (u'\n' '' '' '' '' '\n' '
\n' '
\n' % v) footer = (u'
\n' '\n' '' '' '' '' '\n' '' '' '' '' '\n' '
\n' % v) return header, footer def encode(text): text = text.replace('&', '&') text = text.replace('<', '<') text = text.replace('>', '>') text = text.replace('"', '"') text = text.replace('@', '@') text = text.replace(u'\u00a0', ' ') return text def attval(text): text = encode(text) text = text.replace('\n', ' ') text = text.replace('\r', ' ') text = text.replace('\t', ' ') text = text.replace('\v', ' ') text = text.replace('\f', ' ') return text def validate_basename(setting, value, option_parser, config_parser=None, config_section=None): if os.sep in value: raise ValueError('"%s" cannot appear in value' % os.sep) stripped = value.strip() if not value or not stripped: raise ValueError('value must not be an empty ' '(or whitespace-only) string') return stripped class ChunkerError(Exception): """Base class for exceptions thrown by the chunker.""" pass class DupFilenameError(ChunkerError): """Exception thrown for duplicate filenames.""" pass class UnsupportedWriterError(ChunkerError): """Exception thrown if the writer class passed to the chunker does not have a ``set_external_ids()`` method. """ pass class ChunkedHTMLWriter(writers.Writer): # Default filename for the root chunk default_chunker_root_filename = 'index.html' # Default filename for sections default_chunk_basename = '%i.html' config_section = 'html chunker' # XXX: Do I need to set dependencies? #config_section_dependencies = ('html4css1 writer', ) settings_spec = ( 'HTML Chunker Specific Options', None, (('The maximum section depth for chunking. The default is 1, i.e. ' 'top-level sections will be chunked. Use 0 for "no limit".', ['--chunk-depth'], {'default': 1, 'metavar': '', 'validator': frontend.validate_nonnegative_int}), ('Specify the base filename for sections. Use any of the following ' 'placeholders in the name: ' '%%i (the ID value of the chunk node), ' '%%n (the chunk number, zero-based, zero-padded), ' '%%s (the section number, each component zero-padded), and ' '%%%% (the %% character). ' 'The default is "%s".' % default_chunk_basename, ['--chunk-basename'], {'default': default_chunk_basename, 'metavar': '', 'validator': validate_basename}), ('Specify which node ID to use for the $id placeholder in section ' 'filenames. The value is a number (the index of the ID), where 0 ' 'means the auto-generated ID, 1 means the 1st user-defined, 2 means ' 'the 2nd one, etc. You can also use negative indices: -1 means the ' 'last user-defined ID, -2 means the last before, etc. ' 'If the ID with the specified index does not exist for a node, the ' 'first one (index 0) will be used. The default is 0.', ['--chunker-select-id'], {'default': 0, 'metavar': '', 'type': 'int'}), ('Specify the section number separator for the $sectnum placeholder ' '(see the --config-sect-filename option). The default is ".".', ['--chunker-sectnum-sep'], {'default': '.', 'metavar': ''}), ('Print a message for each chunk being written.', ['--chunker-progress'], {'dest': 'chunker_progress', 'default': 1, 'action': 'store_true', 'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}), ('Do not print the chunked filename messages. This is the default.', ['--chunker-no-progress'], {'dest': 'chunker_progress', 'default': 0, 'action': 'store_false', 'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}), ),) def __init__(self, writer_class=None, nav_callback=None): """Arguments: * `writer_class`: The writer class that actually converts each chunk of the document tree to HTML (the default is ``html4css1.Writer``). * `nav_callback`: A function that is used to build the navigation bar for each chunk (if not specified, the default implementation is used). See the module documentation for details. """ writers.Writer.__init__(self) if not writer_class: writer_class = html4css1.Writer if not callable(getattr(writer_class, 'set_external_ids', None)): raise UnsupportedWriterError('writer class %r does not have the ' '"set_external_ids" method required ' 'for chunking' % writer_class) self.writer_class = writer_class self.supported = writer_class.supported self.settings_spec = writer_class.settings_spec + self.settings_spec self.nav_callback = nav_callback or default_navigation_callback def get_transforms(self): return self.writer_class().get_transforms() def write(self, document, destination): self.document = document self.language = languages.get_language(document.settings.language_code) settings = self.document.settings destdir = '' root_filename = None if settings._destination: destdir = os.path.dirname(settings._destination) root_filename = os.path.basename(settings._destination) chunker = HTMLChunker(document, self.writer_class, root_filename, destination, self.nav_callback) chunks = chunker.chunk() number_of_chunks = len(chunks) self.output = chunker.convert_chunk(chunks[0]) output = destination.write(self.output) for c in chunks: destpath = os.path.join(destdir, c.filename) if settings.chunker_progress and root_filename: n = ('%%%dd' % len(str(number_of_chunks))) % (c.number + 1) print 'Writing chunk %s of %d: %s'\ % (n, number_of_chunks, destpath) if not c.is_root(): out = chunker.convert_chunk(c) f = io.FileOutput(destination=None, destination_path=destpath, encoding=settings.output_encoding, error_handler=settings.output_encoding_error_handler) f.write(out) f.close() return output def translate(self): pass class HTMLChunker: """This class creates chunked HTML output from a document tree.""" def __init__(self, document, writer_class, root_filename, root_destination, nav_callback): """Arguments: * `document`: The document tree. * `writer_class`: A writer class that will be instantiated for each chunk to create the HTML output for that chunk. * `root_filename`: The file name of the root chunk. * `root_destination`: The destination to write the root chunk to. This is an io.{File,String}Output instance. * `nav_callback`: A function that will be called for each chunk to create the navigation bars. """ self.document = document self.writer_class = writer_class self.root_filename = root_filename self.root_destination = root_destination self.nav_callback = nav_callback self.settings = document.settings def chunk(self): """Chunk the document and return the list of chunks. The chunks can be converted to HTML after this call by passing them one by one to the ``convert_chunk()`` method. """ self.sections = self.collect_sections() self.chunktree = self.build_chunktree() if self.chunktree.children: if isinstance(self.root_destination, io.FileOutput): if not self.root_filename: raise ChunkerError('Cannot write chunked HTML to stdout.') else: raise ChunkerError('Cannot write chunked HTML to non-file ' 'destination.') self.relocate_system_messages() #end if self.chunktree.children self.generate_filenames() self.chunktree.detach_nodes() self.relocate_meta_nodes() # The chunks are detached now, so we can build a mapping of IDs to # chunks -- each ID points to the chunk it appears in. self.ids = {} for chunk in self.chunktree.walk(): for node in chunk.node.traverse(nodes.Element): for i in node.get('ids', []): self.ids[i] = chunk return self.chunktree.walk() def collect_sections(self): """Build a tree of the document + all its sections, and return it.""" def add_sections(node, parent_section): for n in node: if isinstance(n, nodes.section): section = parent_section.append(Section(n)) if len(n): add_sections(n, section) section_tree = Section(self.document) add_sections(self.document, section_tree) return section_tree def relocate_system_messages(self): """Relocate the auto-generated system messages section to the root chunk (after the title/subtitle/docinfo node). I think it is better to have it in the root chunk than at the end (i.e. in the last chunk, where nobody notices). """ if not self.chunktree.children: return pos = self.document.first_child_not_matching_class(( nodes.Titular, nodes.docinfo, nodes.Decorative, )) if pos is None: pos = 0 for sect in self.sys_msgs_sections: sect.parent.remove(sect) self.document.insert(pos, sect) pos += 1 def relocate_meta_nodes(self): """Relocate nodes to the root chunk. Make sure the chunk nodes are detached before calling this method.""" if not self.chunktree.children or not self.meta_nodes: return for meta, chunk in self.meta_nodes: if chunk is not chunk.root: meta.parent.remove(meta) chunk.root.node.append(meta) def build_chunktree(self): """Build the chunk tree by collecting chunkable section nodes up to ``self.settings.chunk_depth` depth (0 means unlimited), and return the root chunk. """ maxdepth = self.settings.chunk_depth visitor = DocumentChunker(self.document, maxdepth) self.document.walkabout(visitor) for name in ('ischunk', 'meta_nodes', 'number_of_chunks', 'sys_msgs_sections'): setattr(self, name, getattr(visitor, name)) visitor.chunktree.setup_navlinks() return visitor.chunktree def generate_filenames(self): """Generate filenames for the chunks.""" chunktree = self.chunktree chunktree.filename = self.root_filename or '' chunktree.quoted_filename = quote_filename(chunktree.filename) if not chunktree.children: return chunk_filenames = set([chunktree.filename]) idnum = self.settings.chunker_select_id sectnum_sep = self.settings.chunker_sectnum_sep sections = dict([(s.node, s) for s in self.sections.walk()]) chunk_list = chunktree.walk() chunknum_digits = len(str(self.number_of_chunks)) # Remove the root chunk, it already has a filename del chunk_list[0] def generate_filename(chunk, rx=re.compile('%([ins%])')): def replace(m): s = m.group(1) if s == 'i': try: # Use -idnum, because user-defined IDs are in reverse # order. return chunk.node['ids'][-idnum] except IndexError: try: return chunk.node['ids'][0] except IndexError: # We *need* the ID. Create one. return self.document.set_id(chunk.node) if s == 'n': return ('%%0%dd' % chunknum_digits) % chunk.number if s == 's': sectnum = sections[chunk.node].get_sectnum_str() return sectnum_sep.join(sectnum) if s == '%': return '%' return s return rx.sub(replace, self.settings.chunk_basename) for chunk in chunk_list: filename = generate_filename(chunk) if filename in chunk_filenames: raise DupFilenameError('Filename "%s" is already used for ' 'a chunk.' % filename) chunk.filename = filename chunk.quoted_filename = quote_filename(chunk.filename) chunk_filenames.add(filename) def convert_chunk(self, chunk): """Convert the chunk to HTML and return the HTML output.""" doctree = self.create_subdocument(chunk) writer = self.writer_class() writer.set_external_ids(self.collect_external_ids(chunk)) writer.write(doctree, io.NullOutput()) writer.assemble_parts() return self.assemble_html_output(chunk, writer.parts) def collect_external_ids(self, chunk): """Resolve external references in the chunk, and return a mapping of IDs to URIs ('filename#id' or just 'filename'). """ external_ids = {} for node in chunk.node.traverse(nodes.Element): ids = node.get('backrefs', []) if node.hasattr('refid'): ids.append(node['refid']) for refid in ids: refchunk = self.ids[refid] if refchunk is not chunk: if self.document.ids[refid] in self.ischunk: uri = refchunk.quoted_filename else: uri = '%s#%s' % (refchunk.quoted_filename, refid) external_ids[refid] = uri return external_ids def create_subdocument(self, chunk): """If `chunk` wraps a section node, create and return a new document node with the section added, otherwise return the root node. """ if isinstance(chunk.node, nodes.document): return chunk.node # Create a new document. doctree = utils.new_document(self.settings._source, self.document.settings) # Add the decoration (head and footer). if self.document.decoration and len(self.document.decoration): root_decor = self.document.decoration decor = doctree.get_decoration() # Note: We can't use root_decor.get_{header,footer}(), because # they create the header/footer if it is missing. We don't want # that. if isinstance(root_decor[0], nodes.header): header = decor.get_header() for n in root_decor[0]: header.append(n.deepcopy()) if isinstance(root_decor[-1], nodes.footer): footer = decor.get_footer() for n in root_decor[-1]: footer.append(n.deepcopy()) ## Copy nodes. #for meta, dummy in self.meta_nodes: # doctree.append(meta.deepcopy()) # Now add the copy of the section, and set the document node's title # from the section title. doctree += chunk.node.deepcopy() if isinstance(doctree[-1][0], nodes.title): n = doctree[-1][0] # XXX: Skip generated section number? (Should be configurable.) doctree['title'] = chunk.get_title() return doctree def assemble_html_output(self, chunk, parts): """Assemble and return the HTML output for `chunk` from the HTML document parts in `parts`. """ if chunk.is_root() and not chunk.children: return parts['whole'] nav_header, nav_footer = self.create_navigation(chunk, parts) out = [] # + + + out.append(parts['head_prefix']) # head content, less the stylesheet #out.append(parts['html_head'] % self.settings.output_encoding) # We want the same meta tags for each chunk, so we will copy them from # the root chunk. if chunk.is_root(): meta = self.root_meta = parts['meta'] else: meta = self.root_meta out.append(meta) def add_link(rel, chunk): out.append(u'\n' % (rel, chunk.quoted_filename, attval(chunk.get_title()))) if not chunk.is_root(): add_link('start', chunk.root) if chunk.next: add_link('next', chunk.next) if chunk.prev: add_link('prev', chunk.prev) # Title + stylesheet. parts['title'] might contain inline markup, so # will get the title this way. out.append('%s\n' % encode(chunk.get_title())) out.append(parts['stylesheet']) if nav_header: # body_prefix is + header # +
# # We want the navigation header right before #
# # This is a silly hack. It would be much better if the HTML # writer provided parts['document_start'] or something for the #
tag, and parts['document_end'] for # the closing
. # sep = '
\n') out.append(nav_header) out.append(u'
\n') out.append(sep) out.append(after) else: out.append(parts['body_prefix']) out.append(parts['body_pre_docinfo']) out.append(parts['docinfo']) out.append(parts['fragment']) if nav_footer: # body_suffix is
+ footer + + # We want the navigation footer before the footer, or . # # Again, this is a silly hack. # try: sep = '\n') out.append(sep) out.append(after) else: out.append(parts['body_suffix']) return u''.join(out) def create_navigation(self, chunk, parts): vars = dict([(v, u'') for v in [ 'next', 'next_title_raw', 'prev', 'prev_title_raw', 'parent', 'parent_title_raw', 'root', 'root_title_raw', ]]) if chunk.next: vars['next'] = chunk.next.quoted_filename vars['next_title_raw'] = chunk.next.get_title() if chunk.prev: vars['prev'] = chunk.prev.quoted_filename vars['prev_title_raw'] = chunk.prev.get_title() if chunk.parent: vars['parent'] = chunk.parent.quoted_filename vars['parent_title_raw'] = chunk.parent.get_title() if chunk.root and chunk is not chunk.root: vars['root'] = chunk.root.quoted_filename vars['root_title_raw'] = chunk.root.get_title() for name in ('next_title', 'prev_title', 'parent_title', 'root_title'): vars[name] = attval(vars['%s_raw' % name]) header, footer = self.nav_callback(vars) if type(header) is not unicode: raise ChunkerError('Bad navigation header: not a Unicode string') if type(footer) is not unicode: raise ChunkerError('Bad navigation footer: not a Unicode string') return header, footer class NodeWrapper: """A structural node of the document tree. The root node wraps a ``nodes.document``, and each child node wraps a ``nodes.section``. """ def __init__(self, node): assert isinstance(node, (nodes.section, nodes.document)) self.node = node self.children = [] self.root = self self.parent = None def append(self, section): """Add a section (wrapping a ``nodes.section``) to the children of this chunk. """ assert isinstance(section.node, nodes.section) section.parent = self section.root = self.root self.children.append(section) return section def walk(self, topdown=True): """Generate all the sections in the tree by walking the tree either top down or bottom up. """ sects = [] if topdown: sects.append(self) for child in self.children: sects.extend(child.walk(topdown)) if not topdown: sects.append(self) return sects def is_root(self): """Return whether this is the root.""" return self is self.root def __nonzero__(self): return True def __len__(self): return len(self.children) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): return self.children[key] else: raise TypeError('element index must be an integer') class Chunk(NodeWrapper): """A chunk of the document tree.""" def __init__(self, node): NodeWrapper.__init__(self, node) self.prev = None self.next = None self.number = 0 def setup_navlinks(self): """Walk the chunk tree top down and set up previous/next links for HTML navigation. As a convenience, this method also sets the ``number`` attribute of each chunk to the navigation index of the chunk. """ prev = None for n, chunk in enumerate(self.root.walk()): chunk.number = n chunk.prev = prev if prev: prev.next = chunk else: chunk.next = None prev = chunk def detach_nodes(self): """Detach chunk nodes from their parent, splitting the document tree into pieces. """ for chunk in self.root.walk(): if chunk.node.parent: chunk.node.parent.remove(chunk.node) chunk.node.parent = None def get_title(self, skip_sectnum=False): if isinstance(self.node, nodes.document): return self.node.get('title', '') if len(self.node) and isinstance(self.node[0], nodes.title): title_node = self.node[0] if not len(title_node): return u'' if not isinstance(title_node[0], nodes.generated): return title_node.astext() if skip_sectnum: return title_node[1].astext() return re.sub(u'[\u00a0]{2,}', u'\u00a0', title_node.astext()) return u'' class Section(NodeWrapper): """Convenience class for numbering sections.""" def get_sectnum(self): """Return the section number as a list of integers. Note that this has nothing to do with reST's section numbering -- it's just a count of the sections at each level. For the root, return an empty list. For example:: []
[2, 1]
[2, 2] """ if self.parent: sectnum = self.parent.get_sectnum() sectnum.append(self.parent.children.index(self) + 1) return sectnum else: return [] def get_sectnum_str(self): """Same as ``get_sectnum()``, but the return value is a list of strings, where each string is padded with zeros as necessary. """ if self.parent: n = self.parent.children.index(self) + 1 sectnum = self.parent.get_sectnum_str() sectnum.append(('%%0%dd' % len(str(len(self.parent)))) % n) return sectnum else: return [] def get_index(self): """Return the section index (1-based), i.e. the index of this section inside its parent. Always return 0 for the root. """ if self.parent: return self.parent.children.index(self) + 1 else: return 0 def get_index_str(self): """Return the section index (1-based), i.e. the index of this section inside its parent. The return value is a string (optionally zero-padded); it is always '0' for the root. """ if self.parent: i = self.parent.children.index(self) + 1 return ('%%0%dd' % len(str(len(self.parent)))) % i else: return '0' class DocumentChunker(nodes.GenericNodeVisitor): """A node visitor that builds a chunk tree from chunkable nodes (right now the document node and section nodes), and collects various useful data for chunking. """ def __init__(self, document, maxdepth=0): nodes.GenericNodeVisitor.__init__(self, document) self.maxdepth = maxdepth self.chunktree = Chunk(document) self.chunks = [self.chunktree] self.number_of_chunks = 1 self.ischunk = set([document]) self.section_level = 0 self.sys_msgs_sections = [] self.meta_nodes = [] def is_sysmsg_section(self, node): return (node.hasattr('classes') and 'system-messages' in node['classes']) def visit_section(self, node): if self.is_sysmsg_section(node): self.sys_msgs_sections.append(node) raise nodes.SkipNode if (self.section_level + 1) > self.maxdepth > 0: raise nodes.SkipNode #if not self.chunk_first_section: # me = node.parent.index(node) # first = node.parent.first_child_matching_class(nodes.section) # if first is not None: # if first == me: # raise nodes.SkipDeparture # s = node.parent[first] self.section_level += 1 # Chunk this section. self.ischunk.add(node) chunk = Chunk(node) self.chunks[-1].append(chunk) self.chunks.append(chunk) self.number_of_chunks += 1 def depart_section(self, node): self.chunks.pop() self.section_level -= 1 def visit_meta(self, node): # Collect the meta node and the chunk it belongs to. self.meta_nodes.append((node, self.chunks[-1])) def do_nothing(self, node): pass default_visit = do_nothing default_departure = do_nothing unknown_visit = do_nothing unknown_departure = do_nothing def main(): try: import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except ImportError: pass desc = default_description + ( ' ' 'For chunked HTML output, is the filename of the ' 'root chunk. The other chunks are written to the same directory ' 'as the root chunk, but their names are generated from the value ' 'given to the --chunk-basename option. It is an error to use ' 'stdout as if there is more than one chunk to write.' ) publish_cmdline(writer=ChunkedHTMLWriter(), description=desc) if __name__ == '__main__': main()