.. Note:: This functionality has been implemented as `embedded URIs `_. Sample usage of inline targets ------------------------------ Here is some sample text, that tests an syntax for inline targets. There has been a lot of discussion starting here__ __ This just has been an anonymous reference, that immediately got resolved. Please note, that this can be mixed freely__ with "real" anonymous__ links__ __ and the inlined target will always__ be assigned to the anonymous link immediately in front of it. regular anonymous links should not be disturbed. They should get resolved without noticing that there has been an immediately resolved one inbetween. __ anonlink1.html __ anonlink2.html __ anonlink3.html As a not yet discussed feature I have the equivalent construct for named links. this example_ _ shows how this works. You can refer a second time to example_ as usual. I wonder what happenes here__ __ Of course you can `add links to multiple words`__ __. So `the implementation`_ is kind of consistent with the usual link syntax. I am not sure if the added space and the doubling of the underscores is worth it just to avoid long words. It introduces a lot of line noise. Changing this in `the implementation`_ _ should be fairly trivial: I'd guess that adjsuting te regex in two places would do the trick. Some real use: Bookmark lists: - `Cool Modifications`__ __ - `Cool Image Manipulation`__ __ - `Cool Homepage`__ __ - `Cool Comics`__ __ - `something with a Cool long URL`__ __