Document header

reStructuredText Test Document

Examples of Syntax Constructs


David Goodger

123 Example Street
Example, EX  Canada
A1B 2C3




Now, or yesterday. Or maybe even before yesterday.
This is a "work in progress"
is managed by a version control system.
field name:

This is a "generic bibliographic field".

field name "2":

Generic bibliographic fields may contain multiple body elements.

Like this.


For Docutils users & co-developers.


This is a test document, containing at least one example of each reStructuredText construct.

1 Structural Elements

1.1 Section Title

Section Subtitle

Lone subsections are converted to a section subtitle by a transform activated with the --section-subtitles command line option or the sectsubtitle-xform configuration value.

1.2 Empty Section

1.3 Transitions

Here's a transition:

It divides the section. Transitions may also occur between sections:

2 Body Elements

2.1 Paragraphs

A paragraph.

2.1.1 Inline Markup

Paragraphs contain text and may contain inline markup: emphasis, strong emphasis, inline literals, standalone hyperlinks (, external hyperlinks (Python [7]), internal cross-references (example), external hyperlinks with embedded URIs (Python web site), anonymous hyperlink references [7] (a second reference [14]), footnote references (manually numbered [1], anonymous auto-numbered [3], labeled auto-numbered [2], or symbolic [*]), citation references (see [CIT2002]), substitution references (EXAMPLE & a trimmed heart (U+2665):♥), and inline hyperlink targets (see Targets below for a reference back to here). Character-level inline markup is also possible (although exceedingly ugly!) in reStructuredText. Problems are indicated by |problematic| text (generated by processing errors; this one is intentional). Here is a reference to the doctitle and the subtitle.

The default role for interpreted text is Title Reference. Here are some explicit interpreted text roles: a PEP reference (PEP 287); an RFC reference (RFC 2822); an abbreviation (abb.), an acronym (reST), code (print "hello world"); a subscript; a superscript and explicit roles for Docutils' standard inline markup.

Let's test wrapping and whitespace significance in inline literals: This is an example of --inline-literal --text, --including some-- strangely--hyphenated-words. Adjust-the-width-of-your-browser-window to see how the text is wrapped. -- ---- -------- Now note the spacing between the words of this sentence (words should be grouped in pairs).

If the --pep-references option was supplied, there should be a live link to PEP 258 here.

2.2 Bullet Lists

  • A bullet list

    • Nested bullet list.

    • Nested item 2.

  • Item 2.

    Paragraph 2 of item 2.

    • Nested bullet list.

    • Nested item 2.

      • Third level.

      • Item 2.

    • Nested item 3.

    • This nested list should be compacted by the HTML writer.

2.3 Enumerated Lists

  1. Arabic numerals.

    1. lower alpha)

      1. (lower roman)

        1. upper alpha.

          1. upper roman)

  2. Lists that don't start at 1:

    1. Three

    2. Four

    1. C

    2. D

    1. iii

    2. iv

2.4 Definition Lists




Definition paragraph 1.

Definition paragraph 2.



Termclassifier oneclassifier two


2.5 Field Lists


Field lists map field names to field bodies, like database records. They are often part of an extension syntax. They are an unambiguous variant of RFC 2822 fields.

how arg1 arg2:

The field marker is a colon, the field name, and a colon.

The field body may contain one or more body elements, indented relative to the field marker.


This paragraph has the credits class set. (This is actually not about credits but just for ensuring that the class attribute doesn't get stripped away.)

2.6 Option Lists

For listing command-line options:


command-line option "a"

-b file

options can have arguments and long descriptions


options can be long, too


long options can also have arguments


DOS/VMS-style option


The description can also start on the next line.

The description may contain multiple body elements, regardless of where it starts.

-x, -y, -z

Multiple options are an "option group".

-v, --verbose

Commonly-seen: short & long options.

-1 file, --one=file, --two file

Multiple options with arguments.

-f <[path]file>

Option argumens must start with a letter or be wrapped in angle brackets.

-d <src dest>

Angle brackets are also required if an option expects more than one argument.

There must be at least two spaces between the option and the description.

2.7 Literal Blocks

Literal blocks are indicated with a double-colon ("::") at the end of the preceding paragraph (over there -->). They can be indented:

if literal_block:
    text = 'is left as-is'
    spaces_and_linebreaks = 'are preserved'
    markup_processing = None

Or they can be quoted without indentation:

>> Great idea!
> Why didn't I think of that?

2.8 Line Blocks

This section tests line blocks. Line blocks are body elements which consist of lines and other line blocks. Nested line blocks cause indentation.

This is a line block. It ends with a blank line.
New lines begin with a vertical bar ("|").
Line breaks and initial indent are significant, and preserved.
Continuation lines are also possible. A long line that is intended to wrap should begin with a space in place of the vertical bar.
The left edge of a continuation line need not be aligned with the left edge of the text above it.
This is a second line block.

Blank lines are permitted internally, but they must begin with a "|".

Another line block, surrounded by paragraphs:

And it's no good waiting by the window
It's no good waiting for the sun
Please believe me, the things you dream of
They don't fall in the lap of no-one

Take it away, Eric the Orchestra Leader!

A one, two, a one two three four

Half a bee, philosophically,
must, ipso facto, half not be.
But half the bee has got to be,
vis a vis its entity. D'you see?

But can a bee be said to be
or not to be an entire bee,
when half the bee is not a bee,
due to some ancient injury?


A line block, like the following poem by Christian Morgenstern, can also be centre-aligned:

Die Trichter

Zwei Trichter wandeln durch die Nacht.
Durch ihres Rumpfs verengten Schacht
fließt weißes Mondlicht
still und heiter
auf   ihren
u. s.

2.9 Block Quotes

Block quotes consist of indented body elements:

My theory by A. Elk. Brackets Miss, brackets. This theory goes as follows and begins now. All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much much thicker in the middle and then thin again at the far end. That is my theory, it is mine, and belongs to me and I own it, and what it is too.

—Anne Elk (Miss)

The language of a quote (like any other object) can be specified by a class attribute:

ReStructuredText est un langage de balisage léger utilisé notamment dans la documentation du langage Python.

2.10 Doctest Blocks

>>> print 'Python-specific usage examples; begun with ">>>"'
Python-specific usage examples; begun with ">>>"
>>> print '(cut and pasted from interactive Python sessions)'
(cut and pasted from interactive Python sessions)

2.11 Footnotes

2.12 Citations

[CIT2002] (1,2)

Citations are text-labeled footnotes. They may be rendered separately and differently from footnotes.

Here's a reference to the above, [CIT2002], and a [nonexistent]_ citation.

2.13 Targets

This paragraph is pointed to by the explicit "example" target. A reference can be found under Inline Markup, above. Inline hyperlink targets are also possible.

Section headers are implicit targets, referred to by name. See Targets, which is a subsection of Body Elements.

Explicit external targets are interpolated into references such as "Python [7]".

Targets may be indirect and anonymous. Thus this phrase may also refer to the Targets section.

Here's a `hyperlink reference without a target`_, which generates an error.

2.13.1 Duplicate Target Names

Duplicate names in section headers or other implicit targets will generate "info" (level-1) system messages. Duplicate names in explicit targets will generate "warning" (level-2) system messages.

2.13.2 Duplicate Target Names

Since there are two "Duplicate Target Names" section headers, we cannot uniquely refer to either of them by name. If we try to (like this: `Duplicate Target Names`_), an error is generated.

2.14 Directives

These are just a sample of the many reStructuredText Directives. For others, please see reStructuredText Directives [15].

2.14.1 Document Parts

An example of the "contents" directive can be seen above this section (a local, untitled table of contents) and at the beginning of the document (a document-wide table of contents).

2.14.2 Images and Figures

An image directive (also clickable -- a hyperlink reference):


Image with multiple IDs:


A centered image:


A left-aligned image:


This paragraph might flow around the image. The specific behavior depends upon the style sheet and the browser or rendering software used.

A right-aligned image:


This paragraph might flow around the image. The specific behavior depends upon the style sheet and the browser or rendering software used.

For inline images see Substitution Definitions.

Image size:

An image 2 em wide:


An image 2 cm wide and 15 pixel high:


Relative units allow adaption of the image to the screen or paper size. An image occupying 50% of the line width:


A figure is an image with a caption and/or a legend. With page-based output media, figures might float to a different position if this helps the page layout.

reStructuredText, the markup syntax

Plaintext markup syntax and parser system.


Revised, revisited, based on 're' module.


Structure-enhanced text, structuredtext.


Well it is, isn't it?

This paragraph is also part of the legend.

A left-aligned figure, 70% wide:

reStructuredText, the markup syntax

This is the caption.

This is the legend.

The legend may consist of several paragraphs.

This paragraph might flow around the figure.

The specific behavior depends upon the style sheet and the browser or rendering software used.

A centred figure, 40% wide:


This is the caption.

This is the legend.

The legend may consist of several paragraphs.

This paragraph might flow around the figure.

The specific behavior depends upon the style sheet and the browser or rendering software used.

A right-aligned figure:


This is the caption.

This is the legend.

The legend may consist of several paragraphs.

This paragraph might flow around the figure. The specific behavior depends upon the style sheet and the browser or rendering software used.

2.14.3 Tables

Tables may be given titles and additional arguments with the table directive:

left-aligned table


not A





center-aligned table


not A





right-aligned table


not A





With the "widths" argument "auto" (or "class" value "colwidths-auto"), column widths are determined by the backend (if supported by the writer/backend).



A or B













2.14.4 Admonitions

2.14.5 Topics, Sidebars, and Rubrics

Sidebars are like miniature, parallel documents.

A topic is like a block quote with a title, or a self-contained section with no subsections.

A rubric is like an informal heading that doesn't correspond to the document's structure. It is typically highlighted in red (hence the name).

This is a rubric

Topics and rubrics can be used at places where a section title is not allowed (e.g. inside a directive).

2.14.6 Target Footnotes

2.14.7 Replacement Text

I recommend you try Python, the best language around [7].

2.14.8 Compound Paragraph

The compound directive is used to create a "compound paragraph", which is a single logical paragraph containing multiple physical body elements. For example:

The 'rm' command is very dangerous. If you are logged in as root and enter

cd /
rm -rf *

you will erase the entire contents of your file system.

Test the handling and display of compound paragraphs:

Compound 2, paragraph 1,

compound 2, paragraph 2,

  • list item 1,

  • list item 2,

compound 2, paragraph 3.

Compound 3, only consisting of one paragraph.

Compound 4.
This one starts with a literal block.

Compound 4, paragraph following the literal block.

Now something really perverted -- a nested compound block. This is just to test that it works at all; the results don't have to be meaningful.

Compound 5, block 1 (a paragraph).

Compound 6 is block 2 in compound 5.

Compound 6, another paragraph.

Compound 5, block 3 (a paragraph).

Compound 7, tests the inclusion of various block-level elements in one logical paragraph. First a table,

Left cell, first paragraph.

Left cell, second paragraph.

Middle cell, consisting of exactly one paragraph.

Right cell.

Paragraph 2.

Paragraph 3.

followed by a paragraph. This physical paragraph is actually a continuation of the paragraph before the table. It is followed by

a quote and

  1. an enumerated list,

a paragraph,


option list,

a paragraph,

a field:


a paragraph,

a definition


a paragraph, an image:


a paragraph,

a line

a paragraph followed by a comment,

a paragraph, a

and the final paragraph of the compound 7.

2.14.9 Parsed Literal Blocks

This is a parsed literal block.
    This line is indented.  The next line is blank.

Inline markup is supported, e.g. emphasis, strong, literal
text, sub- and superscripts,
inline formulas: A = 2πr2,
footnotes [1], hyperlink targets, and references.

2.14.10 Code

Blocks of source code can be set with the code directive. If the code language is specified, the content is parsed and tagged by the Pygments [8] syntax highlighter and can be formatted with a style sheet. (Code parsing is turned off using the syntax-highlight config setting in the test conversions in order to get identical results with/without installed Pygments highlighter.)

print 'This is Python code.'

The :number-lines: option (with optional start value) generates line numbers:

 8 # print integers from 0 to 9:
 9 for i in range(10):
10     print i

For inline code snippets, there is the code role, which can be used directly (the code will not be parsed/tagged, as the language is not known) or as base for special code roles, e.g. the LaTeX code in the next paragraph.

Docutils uses LaTeX syntax for math directives and roles: \alpha = f(x) prints α = f(x).

The :code: option of the include directive sets the included content as a code block, here the rst file header_footer.txt with line numbers:

1 .. header:: Document header
2 .. footer:: Document footer

2.14.11 Meta

The “meta” directive [16] is used to specify metadata to be stored in, e.g., HTML META tags or ODT file properties.

2.15 Substitution Definitions

An inline image (EXAMPLE) example:

A Unicode example:

(Substitution definitions are not visible in the HTML source.)


Here's one:

(View the HTML source to see the comment.)

2.17 Raw text

This does not necessarily look nice, because there may be missing white space.

It's just there to freeze the behavior.

A test.Second test.
Another test with myclass set.

This is the fourth test with myrawroleclass set.

Fifth test in HTML.
Line two.

2.18 Container

paragraph 1

paragraph 2

2.19 Colspanning tables

This table has a cell spanning two columns:





A or B













2.20 Rowspanning tables

Here's a table with cells spanning several rows:

Header row, column 1 (header rows optional)

Header 2

Header 3

body row 1, column 1

column 2

column 3

body row 2

Cells may span rows.

Another rowspanning cell.

body row 3

2.21 Complex tables

Here's a complex table, which should test all features.

Header row, column 1 (header rows optional)

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

body row 1, column 1

column 2

column 3

column 4

body row 2

Cells may span columns.

body row 3

Cells may span rows.


  • Table cells

  • contain

  • body elements.

body row 4

body row 5

Cells may also be empty: -->

2.22 List Tables

Here's a list table exercising all features:

list table with integral header






On a stick!

Crunchy Frog


If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy, now would it?

Gannet Ripple


On a stick!

center aligned list table



Crunchy Frog


Gannet Ripple


2.23 Custom Roles

  • A role based on an existing role.

    one two three

  • A new role.

    one two three

  • A role with class attribute.

    interpreted text

  • A language-switching role:

    Let's count in German eins zwei drei.

  • A role with multiple class attributes, styled with raw directives:

    The following works in most browsers but does not validate (<style> is only allowed in the document head):

    .. raw:: html
      <style type="text/css"><!--
       .green {color: green;}
       .sc {font-variant: small-caps;}

    British colourful text in small-caps.

3 Differences to the html4css1 Writer

3.1 Field List Rendering

A field list is converted to a HTML definition list and given the field-list class argument value to allow CSS styling. With html_plain.css, the layout is similar to html4css1:

A long field name:

sticks into the field body.

The field body is pushed to the next line (you can suppress this behaviour with the run-in class argument).


of the field name width is possible with CSS instead of the field-name-limit configuration setting, for example:

dl.field-list > dd { margin-left: 6em; }


must not lead to misalignment of the following content.

3.2 Styling with Class Arguments

The plain.css style sheet comes with some pre-defined style variants that can be chosen via a class argument.

3.2.1 Description Lists

Definition lists with the "description" class argument:

description lists

Definition lists that are styled like in most dictionaries, encyclopedias etc. (as well as the LaTeX description environment).


The term to be described. Put in boldface or italic.


starts on the same line and has a hanging indent.

A label without content
and the next label

must align.

as well

as content containing more than one


  • nested lists

  • item 2


definition lists

3.2.2 Details disclosure elements

Items of definition lists with class argument "details" are converted to details [10] disclosure elements with the term becoming the "summary".

A summary

with details only visible after user interaction.

Another summary

with open details because the source list has the additional class value "open".

3.2.3 Field List Variants

For field lists, the "compact/open", "narrow" and "run-in" styles are defined in the style sheets plain.css and responsive.css.


No additional space between list items.


The --compact-field-lists command line option (and the corresponding configuration setting) set the compact class argument on all "simple" field lists, if not overridden with open.


For lists with short field body.


Additional space between list items also in "simple" lists. (Overrides the --compact-field-lists command line option and the corresponding configuration setting)


For "simple" lists that should keep the space between list items.


Less indented field body.


For lists with short field names.

A long field name:

sticks into the field body and the field body starts on a new line (if not combined with run-in).

custom field-indent

Field body indented by custom amount.


class value starting with field-indent- followed by a valid length, e.g. field-indent-3em.

The writer:

will convert this class value to a style attribute setting.


Field body starts on the same line also after long field names.

A long field name:

sticks into the field body which continues on the same line.

The next field name:

and field body should align. Long text in the field body is wrapped and aligns with other fields.

3.2.4 Table Variants

The following styles can be applied to individual tables via a class argument or as document wide setting with the table-style [11] configuration setting (or command line argument).

  • Numbered tables can be achieved with the "numbered" class option:

    truth values



    A or B













    Currently, referencing to the table by number is not supported. This is a common request and already on the TODO list.

  • A table with "booktabs" class value, is rendered similar to the style from the booktabs [12] LaTeX package.

"Booktabs" style table, numbered, centre-aligned, with auto-sized columns:

I/O values





A or B













3.2.5 Numbered Figures

Numbered figures can be achieved with the "numbered" :figclass: option:

reStructuredText, the markup syntaxreStructuredText

Embedded SVG image in a numbered figure.

3.3 Text-Level Semantics

This section describes the HTML 5 tags for representation of text-level semantics [19] and their reStructuredText equivalents.



Visit my drinks page.


Stress emphasis

I must say I adore lemonade. I's sooo sweet.



Warning: This tea is very hot.


Side comments

These grapes are made into wine. Alcohol is addictive.


Inaccurate text

Price: £4.50 £2.00!


Titles of works

The case Hugo v. Danielle is relevant here. I recommend reading Harry Potter.



The judge said You can drink water from the fish tank but advised against it.


Defining instance

The term organic food refers to food produced without synthetic chemicals.


Abbreviations [5]

Organic food in Ireland is certified by the IOFGA []

In rST there are separate roles for abbreviations rsp. acronymes. In HTML, the <acronym> tag is obsolete and authors are advised to use <abbr> instead. The HTML5 writer uses <abbr> for Docutil's <abbreviation> element.

ruby, rt, rp

Ruby annotations

Require inline nesting, currently not supported in rST.


Machine-readable equivalent [6]


Machine-readable equivalent of date- or time-related data [6]


Computer code

The fruitdb program can be used for tracking fruit production.



If there are n fruit in the bowl, at least n÷2 will be ripe.


Computer output

The computer said Unknown error -3.


User input

Hit F1 to continue.



Water is H2O.



The Hydrogen in heavy water is usually 2H.


Alternative voice

Lemonade consists primarily of Citrus limon.



Take a lemon and squeeze it with a juicer.



The mixture of apple juice and eldeflower juice is very pleasant.



Elderflower cordial, with one part cordial to ten parts water, stands apart from the rest.


Text directionality isolation [5]

The recommended restaurant is My Juice Café (At The Beach).

The dir global attribute defaults to "auto" (not "inherit") on this element.


Text directionality formatting [6]

Authors must specify the dir attribute on this element.



In French we call it sirop de sureau.


Line break

For complete paragraphs, use a line-block:

Simply Orange Juice Company
Apopka, FL 32703

rST does not natively support an exceptional hard line break in a floating paragraph. You may use a HTML-only substitution.

I want to break this line after the colon:
but allow other linebreaks in this paragraph according to the width of the containing block.


Line breaking opportunity

Not supported by rST. You may use a ZWSP character (u200B), literal or via a substitution.


3.4 Indicating Edits

The HTML tags for representation of edits to the document [20] and their reStructuredText equivalents are:


Additions [5]

This text has "always" been here. This text has been inserted.

This paragraph has been inserted.


Removed content [5]

This text has been deleted, here is the rest of the paragraph.

This paragraph has been deleted.

3.5 SVG Images


Scalable vector graphics (SVG) images are the only standards-compatible way to include vector graphics in HTML documents. However, they are not supported by all backends/output formats (LaTeX, e.g., supports the PDF or Postscript formats for vector graphics instead). Rendering behaviour varies, depending on the SVG image itself, the method used to put the image in the document, and the viewing agent.


Figure with image occupying 40% of the figure width.

The viewBox attribute in the image file enables scaling also in <object> and <svg> nodes.

All up-to-date HTML browsers support SVG, however not all do this fully and in the same manner. Some older browsers, especially IE < 9, have deficiencies or require plug-ins (i.e. don't support the <img> tag). Older versions of webkit based browsers (chromium, safari, midori, konqueror) support the <img> tag but don't display contained bitmap images.

The "html4css1" writer includes SVG images as <object> elements, the "html5" writer uses <svg> for embedded images and <img> else. The element type influences several aspects of image behaviour:

  • Due to security/privacy considerations, browsers may block <object> data from 3rd party sources.

  • If an image is included as <object> or <svg>, it depends on the viewBox declaration of the root <svg> element whether it is scaled or clipped/padded. Images in <img> elements are always scaled.


    Image with viewBox, 1.2 em high, left aligned and inline-svg inline.


    Image with viewBox, 5 mm x 15 mm.


    Image without viewBox, 5 mm x 15 mm.


    Image with embedded bitmap and viewBox, 2 em wide.


    Image with embedded bitmap without viewBox.

  • SVG images with viewBox keep the aspect ratio unless the preserveAspectRatio attribute is "none". The following two images are 25% wide and 1 em high:


    Image with viewBox.


    Image without viewBox.

    [animated clock]
  • Hyperlinks and script actions attached to SVG elements are ignored in images included as <img>. Hyperlinks in images included as <object> are opened in the "object frame". Hyperlinks specified in the rST source (with the :target: directive option) work in <img> and <svg> elements but are ignored in images included as <object> (unless the object is blocked).

    ../input/data/object-with-hyperlink.svg ../input/data/interactive-button.svg

    Image with a link attached to the upper rectangle; interactive clock and button aligned to the right.


    Embedded interactive SVG images.

4 Error Handling

Any errors caught during processing will generate system messages.

There should be five messages in the following, auto-generated section, "Docutils System Messages":

Docutils System Messages