#!/usr/bin/env python3 # $Id: quicktest.py 9863 2024-08-07 14:05:58Z milde $ # Authors: Garth Kidd ; # David Goodger # Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain. """ The ``quicktest.py`` tool is used for testing the reStructuredText parser. It does not use a Docutils Reader or Writer or the standard Docutils command-line options. Rather, it does its own I/O and calls the parser directly. No transforms are applied to the parsed document. Possible output forms output include: --pretty Pretty-printed pseudo-XML (default) --test Test data (Python list of input and pseudo-XML output strings; useful for creating new test cases) --xml Pretty-printed native XML --rawxml Raw native XML (with or without a stylesheet reference) --help Usage hint and complete list of supported options. .. Caution:: ``quicktest.py`` uses Python's default encoding. Input and output encoding depend on UTF-8 mode, Python version, locale setting, and operating system (cf. :PEP:`540`, :PEP:`538`, :PEP:`597`, and :PEP:`686`). """ from __future__ import annotations try: import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except Exception: pass import getopt import sys from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import docutils from docutils import frontend from docutils.utils import new_document from docutils.parsers.rst import Parser if TYPE_CHECKING: from collections.abc import Callable from typing import TextIO, TypedDict from docutils import nodes class _OptArgs(TypedDict): debug: bool attributes: bool styledxml: str _FormatFunc = Callable[[str, nodes.document, _OptArgs], str] usage_header = """\ quicktest.py: Quickly test the reStructuredText parser. This is not an interface to the full functionality of Docutils. Use one of the ``rst2*.py`` front-end tools instead. Usage:: quicktest.py [options] [ []] ``source`` is the name of the file to use as input (default is stdin). ``destination`` is the name of the file to create as output (default is stdout). Options: """ options = [('pretty', 'p', 'output pretty pseudo-xml: no "&abc;" entities (default)'), ('test', 't', 'output test-ready data (input & expected output, ' 'ready to be copied to a parser test module)'), ('rawxml', 'r', 'output raw XML'), ('styledxml=', 's', 'output raw XML with XSL style sheet ' 'reference (filename supplied in the option argument)'), ('xml', 'x', 'output pretty XML (indented)'), ('attributes', 'A', 'dump document attributes after processing'), ('debug', 'd', 'debug mode (lots of output)'), ('version', 'V', 'show Docutils version then exit'), ('help', 'h', 'show help text then exit')] """See ``distutils.fancy_getopt.FancyGetopt.__init__`` for a description of the data structure: (long option, short option, description).""" def usage() -> None: print(usage_header) for longopt, shortopt, description in options: if longopt[-1:] == '=': opts = '-%s arg, --%sarg' % (shortopt, longopt) else: opts = '-%s, --%s' % (shortopt, longopt) sys.stdout.write('%-15s' % opts) if len(opts) > 14: sys.stdout.write('%-16s' % '\n') while len(description) > 60: limit = description.rindex(' ', 0, 60) print(description[:limit].strip()) description = description[limit + 1:] sys.stdout.write('%-15s' % ' ') print(description) def _pretty(input_: str, document: nodes.document, optargs: _OptArgs) -> str: return document.pformat() def _rawxml(input_: str, document: nodes.document, optargs: _OptArgs) -> str: return document.asdom().toxml() def _styledxml(input_: str, document: nodes.document, optargs: _OptArgs ) -> str: docnode = document.asdom().childNodes[0] return '\n'.join(('', '' % optargs['styledxml'], docnode.toxml())) def _prettyxml(input_: str, document: nodes.document, optargs: _OptArgs ) -> str: return document.asdom().toprettyxml(' ', '\n') def _test(input_: str, document: nodes.document, optargs: _OptArgs) -> str: tq = '"""' output = document.pformat() # same as _pretty() return """\ totest['change_this_test_name'] = [ [%s\\ %s %s, %s\\ %s %s], ] """ % (tq, escape(input_.rstrip()), tq, tq, escape(output.rstrip()), tq) def escape(text: str) -> str: """ Return `text` in triple-double-quoted Python string form. """ text = text.replace('\\', '\\\\') # escape backslashes text = text.replace('"""', '""\\"') # break up triple-double-quotes text = text.replace(' \n', ' \\n\\\n') # protect trailing whitespace return text _output_formatters: dict[str, _FormatFunc] = { 'rawxml': _rawxml, 'styledxml': _styledxml, 'xml': _prettyxml, 'pretty': _pretty, 'test': _test, } def format(output_format: str, input_: str, document: nodes.document, optargs: _OptArgs, ) -> str: formatter = _output_formatters[output_format] return formatter(input_, document, optargs) def posix_get_args(argv: list[str]) -> tuple[TextIO, TextIO, str, _OptArgs]: output_format = 'pretty' # convert fancy_getopt style option list to getopt.getopt() arguments shortopts = ''.join(option[1] + ':' * (option[0][-1:] == '=') for option in options if option[1]) longopts = [option[0] for option in options if option[0]] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, shortopts, longopts) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) optargs = {'debug': False, 'attributes': False} for o, a in opts: if o in ['-h', '--help']: usage() sys.exit() elif o in ['-V', '--version']: sys.stderr.write('quicktest.py (Docutils %s%s)\n' % (docutils.__version__, docutils.__version_details__ and ' [%s]'%docutils.__version_details__ or '')) sys.exit() elif o in ['-r', '--rawxml']: output_format = 'rawxml' elif o in ['-s', '--styledxml']: output_format = 'styledxml' optargs['styledxml'] = a elif o in ['-x', '--xml']: output_format = 'xml' elif o in ['-p', '--pretty']: output_format = 'pretty' elif o in ['-t', '--test']: output_format = 'test' elif o in ['--attributes', '-A']: optargs['attributes'] = True elif o in ['-d', '--debug']: optargs['debug'] = True else: raise getopt.GetoptError("getopt should have saved us!") if len(args) > 2: print('Maximum 2 arguments allowed.') usage() sys.exit(1) input_file = sys.stdin output_file = sys.stdout if args: input_file = open(args.pop(0)) if args: output_file = open(args.pop(0), 'w') return input_file, output_file, output_format, optargs def main() -> None: # process cmdline arguments: ( input_file, output_file, output_format, optargs, ) = posix_get_args(sys.argv[1:]) settings = frontend.get_default_settings(Parser) settings.debug = optargs['debug'] parser = Parser() input_ = input_file.read() document = new_document(input_file.name, settings) parser.parse(input_, document) output = format(output_format, input_, document, optargs) output_file.write(output) if optargs['attributes']: import pprint pprint.pprint(document.__dict__) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.stderr = sys.stdout main()